Oops, we disappeared for a while...

Well, if you follow me on any other form of social media you'll know we had a sudden house move about three weeks ago so that's why we have been M.I.A but now I vow to catch you up and fill you in with everything we have been up to and it has been ALOT. 
Firstly before we moved, I was working a lot so around working our days were juggled with chores and fun. Daya out, holidays and my birthday. 

First of all before all the blog updates I want to say how lovely our new house is. It is bang in the centre of town but it doesnt feel like it at all (as you can tell from the photograph of Freya in our bedroom window) Freya is back in her own room and has a bedtime routine again (woohoo) she is also growing up so so fast, she knows a zillion words and is so intelligent. 

Anyways, I want to thank everyone who has stuck with us, because we have been insanely rubbish recently but I promise I shall be blogging as much as I can again now we have internet. YEY! 


Vix Bayliss

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