Long time no post.

Okay, so i apologies for neglecting you my little blog. In all honest truth I jusy haven't had time to blog since christmas. So I shall do a little update on myself and my life. 
I have started a new job which is wonderful and enjoy so much - it is a complete change in career. I am now a mental health support worker. The job is so rewarding and has opened up a whole world of oppurtinties for me. So that work.
Now life; Freya has turned two, she is incredible. She has come on leaps and bounds which her speech and numbers and letters. We had her two year review with the health visitor a few weeks ago and the health visitor was so impressed with her. She is very advanced for her age and is super intelligent. We started potty learning two weeks ago and she is doing wonderfully. She uses the potty whilst at home and is using the grown up toilets when out. She is now only using nappys at night which is wonderful. And oh my goodness little tiny pants are soooooo cute.
So, in other news in our lives at the moment, Dean is starting his new job on monday as a recruitment officer helping people with learning difficulties get into work which is an exciting new venture for him. I am so happy for him. 
We are also looking to buy a house before the end of the year - we have looked around a few properties but missed out on one we loved but we arent letting it get to us because it obviously wasn't meant to be. When we find something that is perfect for us and is meant to be it will be ours. 
Oh and the wedding, cannot forget the wedding. It is 5 months away now and we are basically sorted. We have booked all the extra special bits to make our day perfect. All we need to do is buy the bridemaids shoes, Freyas flower girl dress, the groom and groomsmen outfits and OUR HOLIDAY CLOTHES. So excited!

Thank you to anyone who has hung in there for me to get my blogging act together. Youre wonderful and I do promise to do some nice update posts and fill you all in properly. 


Vix Bayliss

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh congrats on your new job, I hope to work in Mental Health once I graduate! Can't wait to see more posts from you :).

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

